SkyGuard Location
Toronto , Canada
Bowling Green , USA
Maryland , USA
Texas , USA
California , USA
Dubai , UAE
Puebla , Mexico
Sao Paulo , Brazil
Vehicle & Asset Security Product
Vehicle - Advance AI Security PL-2501
RV - Advance AI Security System
Yacht - Elite AI Security System
Motorcycle - AI Security System
All-Terrain - Advanced AI Security System
Four-Wheel - Advanced AI Security System
Snowmobile - Ultimate Security System
First Name
Last Name
City , Province / State , Country
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Phone ( optional )
How Did You Hear About SkyGuard Innovations ( SGI ) and Our New Product Launch ?
1. What Life Stage Are You Currently In?
Married Couple
Married Couple with Children
2. What Age Group Do You Fall Under?
3. What Work Class Do You Fall In ?
Regular Employee
Business Manager
Business Owner
4. What type of assets are you most interested in securing with SGI Advanced Technology or Security Systems?
Recreational Asset(s)
Company Vehicle(s)
Fleet Vehicles
Travel Items / Electronics
5. What is your biggest concern with current security, monitoring, and tracking solutions that SGI's Advance Technology products could solve for you?
6. Tell us what features you look for and would like to have in a Advanced Technology Security System for your needs ?
7. Would satellite communication features be valuable to you in remote or off-grid locations?
Does Not Matter
8. How likely are you to use Safe Remote Immobilization to protect your assets in case of theft or misuse?
Yes , if implemented safely
No , I rather the Law Deal with It
I never thought that was a public option ?
9. Would " Live & Recordable - 360 degree Video " inside & outside 24/7 of your vehicle be a great feature in Asset Security in case of Theft?
Yes , this is a great option with strict control features
No , I feel I would not want this option
Not Sure , but may consider it
10. Is reliable " Data Reports " and " Live Tracking your Asset " a key facture in your Security System needs ?
Yes , this feature is required
No , it is not important to me
It is a great option to have
11. At SGI we cherish our customers input on features & services they want to build the right product for our clients. What are your sugguestions that would make SGI's Advanced Security Systems the best in the World and Best for You?
12. What do you feel would be a " Fair Price " to pay for a Secure Advanced Asset Security System that does all you want and is reliable ?
13. What Price would be " So Cheap " that a Secured Advanced Asset Security System would make you question it's reliability and quality ?
14. What price would be " So Expensive " to payfor a Secured Advanced Asset Security System that you would no longer be ble to afford this product ?
15. If you where to purchase a " New Vehicle " would you want this Advance Security Technology as standard / option form the Auto Manufacture ?
Yes, I would get this option
No , I would not get this option
I may consider it at time of purchase
16. If your where to purchase an Advanced Asset Security System , which level of model features/grade would you purchase
Basic Model - Basic Security Fetures
Mid Model - Most of the Security Features
High - All Advance Technology Features Available
17. If your name was chosen to assit SGI in product testing and research and, in return for your dedication and participation, and if SGI would agree to installed the new product launch product of an Advanced Security System , would you like to participate in the Product Launch Testing Requirement's with us ?
Yes , I would like to work together and Participate with SGI
No , I am just interested in the final product purchase
Thank you for the interest and for taking the time to complete our Wait List Registration Form and Customer Input Assessment for our New Product Launch . Your input is greatly appreciated and your feed back helps our development team build the the best products in the market for all our customers.
You are now “ Registered “ on our New Product Launch Wait List and we look forward in meeting you soon.
We wish you a great day and we will reach out to you soon with all updates.
SkyGuard Innovation
Customer Relations Team